Thursday, July 3, 2008

What food can i eat to prevent acne and retinol acne

Back acne can be caused in teens because of the hormonal changes but also because of back packs which they wear to school. The rubbing of the straps on the shoulders and back can cause irritation to the skin resulting in acne. Sweat can also be a major contributor, therefore shower immediately after working out or any activity that causes excessive sweating. Wearing tight clothing traps the sweat and can worsen back acne. Avoid cotton because this fabric tends to stick to sweaty skin. Switching to synthetic materials can be helpful.
In order to choose an appropriate acne treatment you need to know the cause of your acne. In most cases the sebum over-production and clogged pores is the culprit. This is why puberty with its frequent hormonal changes is the most usual time frame for acne.
For some, mild acne may be controlled with over the counter preparations containing benzoil peroxide, sulfur or salicylic acid. These kill the inflammation inducing bacteria, which prevents new pimples from forming. They may also act as a drying agent to help control the oil, or as an exfoliating agent, allowing old skin to come off and open the pores.
tags: removing acne scar, best acne fighting formula, getting rid of hormonal acne

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