Saturday, September 27, 2008

How to get rid of acne in an hour

« ...The fact is that blackheads are particularly tricky to remove and if done improperly can lead to unsightly scars. This is something that nobody will want. To ensure that the face is free of scars once the acne has disappeared, it is best to avoid those side effects by not trying to force the acne away in an improper way. ...
...A punch graft is a more complex procedure wherein small skin grafts usually from the back of the earlobe are used to replace scarred skin. This is ideal for deep acne scars. A hole is punched in the skin for acne scar removal then replaced with the new unscarred skin....»
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«...A positive self-image is one of the most difficult things to promote in an adolescent who is suffering from facial skin that is red and swollen with blemishes such as blackheads and whiteheads irritating the sensitive skin and the sensitive feelings about one's appearance. Treatment for acne that doesn't take into consideration how the person feels about their appearance will be less than successful. Medical doctors, dermatologists and other medical personnel are more and more aware of the need for treatment of the personality as well as the way the person feels about their appearance. ...»
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tags: acne and how to wash your face, cure for body acne, can we reduce acne scars with deep chemical peels

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