Saturday, September 27, 2008

Review acne aroma body wash ettusais

« ...Because acne is caused by clogged pores, the best way to get rid of it is by unclogging the pores and preventing them from getting clogged again. By using all natural ingredients, your pores can become unclogged without suffering from many of the side effects that over-the-counter products have. Natural ingredients will not cause scarring, irritation, or any type of reaction, but instead will soothe, repair, and heal your skin....
...Fact: It is important to know that slathering a lot of medication is not going to heal acne any faster. Experts feel that using too many acne medications frequently and more than one at a time will harm your skin. Your skin can even suffer from peeling, redness, excessive dryness and or irritation. Try to use the exact directions given on the meditation label carefully. You need to exercise patience as it takes a lot of time to see results. Contact a doctor if you don't see any results after using over-the-counter treatments for several months....»
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«...1. I believe the most effective natural treatment for acne is the use of lemon juice and rose water. It's so easy to get hold of these two ingredients, you can get them just about anywhere in the world at a cheap price. These two ingredients mixed together, create one hell of a effective solution that will eliminate your acne. What you do is simple, you mix the together, 50% lemon juice and 50% rose water. Then you apply the solution to a cotton pad, or a flanel. And then apply the solution to your infected acne areas, leave on for 30 minutes minimum, then wash off with warm water....»
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tags: retinoic acid acne ring worm tinea, acne free treatment, fastest acne fighting products

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