Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Best acne treatment fo blemishes

« ...Your diet plays a significant role in keeping your skin clear and healthy. Drinking enough water hydrates and moistens the skin and improves circulation. Carbonated beverages (pop, soda, etc.) are acidic and upset the natural balance of your skin as well as flooding your body with acid and upsetting your natural pH balance. Because of the acid in soda, the facial skin will produce more oil to compensate for the loss of moisture. ...
...By the same token, if you have dry skin, you won't necessarily want to use a cleanser that is oil free, because you'll need some additional moisture to help your dry skin in spite of your acne breakouts. Even if you have oily skin, though, you will still need to moisturize it. With this, you'll want to use a water-based moisturizer, again so that you don't add to the oil amount your skin is already producing in excess....»
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«...There are many different types of medications and solutions for various skin types and they are available on the web. Be careful however because application with the wrong care can create real problems such as severe or cystic acne....»
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tags: underarm pimples acne, acne products healthcare professionals, black beauty health eyebrow plucking acne

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