Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Safe acne products during pregnancy

« ...Another primary factor in the cause of is the hormone levels in the body. Puberty is a time of tremendous changes in almost every organ of the body, as well as the hormonal levels. The increase of hormones, usually in early puberty have a strong positive correlation with the breakouts of acne blemishes on the skin of the face, shoulders and sometimes back of the adolescent. An acne remedy that controls the hormonal level is very effective in some patients. In fact, birth control pills have been proved to be effective and are sometimes used in the treatment of acne lesions....
...A point to note is that by seeking medical assistance, it does not necessary mean that the acne will be get rid of entirely. However, it does help in controlling and lessening the effects....»
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«...The antibiotics will help reduce the amount of bacteria which accumulate around the hair follicle, and will also fight the inflammatory substances which result when white blood cells are produced by the body to ward off infection. Using antibiotics for acne control will also lower the level of fatty acids in your skin's oils, which further limits inflammation....»
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tags: have acne on my back, how to get rid of acne over night, top acne treatment recommendations by dermotologists

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